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New industry Technology regarding to Bussmann fuse, ABB breakers, Amphenol connectors, HPS transformers, etc. 

650v dc motor drive fuse solution

Time:2021-07-07   Author:Bussmannpower   Browse:

Recently we help some customers designing the 650VDC power supply system in DC motor drive circuit.

Here is the high speed fuse and fuse holdersolution.

1, Mersen

A70QS500-4, A70QS125-4, A70QS175-4 series fuse with 650VDC, 700VAC voltage.

They are easily be assemblied in circuit with screws.

Also you can use A70QS80-22F which is the ferrule fuse. They are mating US222 or US222I fuse holder.

BrandPart No. DescriptionProduct market Price($)Leadtime
MersenA70QS500-4700VAC, 650V dc high speed fuse 500AMP168.0213
MersenA70QS125-4700VAC, 650V dc high speed fuse 125AMP64.813
MersenA70QS175-4700VAC, 650V dc high speed fuse 175AMP75.613
MersenA70QS80-22F700V DC semiconductor fuse 80A, 22x58mm, ferrule42.2413
MersenA70QS80-4700VAC, 650V dc high speed fuse 80AMP45.3413
MersenUS222Finger safe fuse holder, 690VAC/DC, 125A, with indicator126.613
MersenUS222IFinger safe fuse holder, 690VAC/DC, 125A, without indicator78.6413

2, Bussmann

FWP-80C, FWP-125A(C), FWP-175C, FWP-400C high speed fuse with 700V dc and AC. North America Standard  fuse with UL approval.

Similar option: FWP-80A22F, need to mate CH222DU or CH222DIU( With indicator).

650vdc motor drive.jpg

BrandPart No. Description Product Market Price($)Leadtime
BussmannFWP-500C700v dc, 700vac semiconductor fuse 500A69.077
BussmannFWP-125C700v dc, 700vac diode fuse 125A46.57
BussmannFWP-175C700v dc, 700vac fast acting fuse 125A, semiconductor protection57.67
700v dc, 700vac ferrule fuse 80A, 22x58mm48.77
700v dc, 700vac high speed fuse 80A, semiconductor protection63.757
BussmannCH222DIUModular fuse holder for FWP 22x58mm fuse, 700VAC, 1000VDC, 100A, with neon indicator, finger safe109.947
BussmannCH222DUModular fuse holder for FWP 22x58mm fuse, 700VAC, 1000VDC, 100A, without indicator, finger safe62.997

3, Mersen A70QS fuse cross reference with Bussmann FWP fuse. Both could be selective.

BrandCatalog No.BrandCatalog No.

Should you have any questions regarding to this detail, pls consult bussmannpower.

New industry Technology regarding to Bussmann fuse, ABB breakers, Amphenol connectors, HPS transformers, etc. 

TAG:   motor drive dc fuse mersen cross reference