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New industry Technology regarding to Bussmann fuse, ABB breakers, Amphenol connectors, HPS transformers, etc. 

How to tell a Bussmann 170M fuse genuine or fake?

Time:2021-09-09   Author:TINPU   Browse:

As we know, Eaton Bussmann fuse is world well-known brand in fuse industry with more that 130,000 kinds of products. 

So, there are many companies made false product which looks very similar with the original one.

Bussmann 170M fuse .png

Following is a summary from Bussmann engineers to help us understand if you have bought the genuine Bussmann 170M fast acting series fuse or fake.

More Bussmann fast acting fuse comparation, pls feel free let us know.

1, Connecting panels and knife

Genuine fuseFake fuse

The connection panel and shade knife raw material: Phosphor bronze; Plating material: Dark Tin;

Bronze advantage: Perfect connecting performance;

Shortage: Surfacce is easily oxidized.

170M Bussmann fuse true.png

Raw maeterial: Iron

Plating meterial: Bright Tin

Iron advantage: Good surface, long time no oxidization.

Shortage: Electrical connecting performance not good.

We cannot only recognize from surfacce.

170M Bussmann fuse fake.png

2,  Soldering point

Genuine fuseFake fuse

Bussmann 170M fuse with Tin soldering point inside, 

This hole is used to fill sand and glue to solidify the sand in high speed fuse.

This is a key process for fuse. It will take at  least 1 week for this process.

You will see it's not very smooth.

Sand solidification is the most important factor for Arc Extinction.

Bussmann 170M8608 fuse genuine.png

There is a metal plate.

No sand solidification process for fake fuse.

You will see the surface looks very beautiful because it's actually only "pretend to have this process".

Bussmann 170M1867 fuse fake.png

3, Panel Gap

Genuine fuseFake fuse

No loose sand run out from panel gap.

Bussmann 170M fuse genuine.png

Some sand get out from panel gap

170M3816 Bussmann fuse fake.png

4, Shake

Genuine fuseFake fuse
No any voice because the sand had been solidified with glue.
There is " Sha Sha" , this is sand voice in fuse.

5, X-ray record

Genuine fuseFake fuse
Bussmann high speed fuse each one with X-ray record in process, each fuse with a unique ID inside fuse.
Not available

6, Shipping record from Bussmann

Genuine fuseFake fuse
Each Bussmann fuse, Bussmann distributors can provide the shipping record if customer r need.
Not available

7, Check the production Date

If some seller said it's new and fresh date, Pls review the date code on label as below.

170M7568 & 170M8610.png

We will continue to update if there is newly apprearing genuine and fake 170M series comparation data.

New industry Technology regarding to Bussmann fuse, ABB breakers, Amphenol connectors, HPS transformers, etc. 

TAG:   Eaton Bussmann fuse bussmann 170M3816 bussmann fast acting fuse bussmann high speed fuse