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How to tell genuine or Fake Cooper Xi'An fusegear fuse?

Time:2022-12-22   Author:Cooper Xi'An fusegear   Browse:

Recently, We got some inquiries on the Cooper Xi'An fusegear XRNP fuse. 

Cooper Xi'An fusegear, with the brand" XR". XR is the No.1 in China fuse industry. Previously it's called Xi'An fusegear. 

This Xi'An fusegear is acquired by Cooper in Y2008. So it becomes Cooper Xi'An fusegear.

An interesting thing is, Cooper Xi'An fusegear was acquired by Eaton Bussmann in Y2011. 

So Cooper Xi'An fusegear is actually a product line for Eaton Bussmann. The company's full name is called: Eaton Cooper Xi'An fusegear.

What's the famous product for Cooper Xi'An fusegear?

Medium Voltage fuse in 3.6KV, 7.2KV,12KV, 24KV, 36KV, 40.5KV for transformer, motor protection.

Catalog NumberSize(Diamter*Length)mmVoltageCurrentInstallation wayApplication
SFLDJ-12kV/63Aφ76×2921263DIN standard insertion styleTransformer/Switchgear protection
SDLDJ-7.2kV/50Aφ51×2927.250DIN standard insertion styleTransformer/Switchgear protection
WFLDJ-7.2kV/63Aφ76×2927.263DIN standard insertion styleMotor protection
WFNHO-7.2kV/125A(M)φ76×4037.2125BS standard Busbar styleMotor protection
WFNHO-7.2kV/100A(C)φ76×4037.2100BS standard Insertion styleMotor protection
XRNP6-7.2/2-50-1φ25×1947.22BS standard Insertion styleMotor protection
XRNP1-12/0.5-50-1φ25×194120.5BS standard Insertion stylePotential transformer cabinet protection
XRNP6-40.5/0.5-31.5-3φ30×46540.50.5BS standard Insertion stylePotential transformer cabinet protection

Cooper Xi'An fusegear.png

How to tell Genuine or Fake Cooper Xi'An fusegear?

1, From Company Name


“XR” Mark with Black and Red color (Transformer protection fuse)

"XR" With all black color(XRNP Fuse)

Cooper Xi'An fusegear库柏西安熔断器有限公司



Cooper Xi'An SDLDJ logo.jpg

Cooper Xi'An fusegear XRNP.jpg

Fake Cooper Xi'An fuse marking.png

2, From Marking on fuse

Medium Voltage fuse is an electrical product, it needs to be tested and marked with Steel marking on fuse end metal side.

There is no marking on fuse end( Back side)There is marking in back side
Genuine fuse_bussmann.jpgTrue Cooper XR fuse marking on side.jpgFake Cooper Xi'An XRNP fuse.png

3,  From the package


1, True Cooper Xi'An fusegear medium voltage fuse is packed with high density foam, when you look at the foam surface, there is no interface;

2, There is "Cooper Xi'An Certificate of Qualification" in box.

1, Using very loose foam with many bubblies;

2, No "Cooper Xi'An certificate of Qualification" inside box.

True Cooper Xi'An fusegear package.jpgFake Cooper Xi'An fusegear package.png

4, From the COO

If you buy the true Cooper Xi'An, Bussmann fuse from Bussmann authorized distributors, You can ask the COO(Country of Origin) from Eaton. If they cannot provide the correct form, that's not true Cooper Xi'An fuse.

This is the unique difference from Cooper/Bussmann distributors with someone who is supplying fake fuses.

Bussmann distributor COO.png

New industry Technology regarding to Bussmann fuse, ABB breakers, Amphenol connectors, HPS transformers, etc. 

TAG:   Cooper Xi'An fusegear Eaton Bussmann Medium voltage fuse XRNP