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New industry Technology regarding to Bussmann fuse, ABB breakers, Amphenol connectors, HPS transformers, etc. 

Battery energy storage system, which fuse to use?

Time:2022-01-11   Author:Energy Storage System Product Manager   Browse:

Battery  Energy  Storage System design is more and more hot with 360KW  EV charger  release.


With the Power 360KW, The rated system is at least 1000 VDC, 360A; This will be a great challenge for normal electricial system.

Battery  Energy  Storage System, Especially with  solar power . Can be great help solving this problem.

ABPower is designing this case with customers in  EV  fast charger  +  Solar   Battery Energy Storage Solution.

ev fuse fast charger.jpg

For  360KW DC EV  fast charger, We Propose  Bussmann   FWJ-400A.

dc fuse fwj-400a.jpg

For  Solar  Battery  Energy  Storage System, We designed 2 options:

1, Bussmann  ESS5-1800,,

Advantage: This is the high speed fuse Bussmann specially designed to meet Energy Storage System.  It's the prioneer fuse in energy storage market.

2, Littelfuse PSX3XLUB1400, Quantity:2PCS; Connecting way: In parrallel

Advantage: Fuse size smaller.

Energy Storage fuse proposal.png

How do you design the energy storage system? 

There are many kinds of energy storage fuse with different performance and size, How do you choose the proper fuse?

Leave message to us  if any questions.

New industry Technology regarding to Bussmann fuse, ABB breakers, Amphenol connectors, HPS transformers, etc. 

TAG:   Battery energy storage system Energy storage system fuse fuse cross reference Littelfuse to Bussmann cross