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New industry Technology regarding to Bussmann fuse, ABB breakers, Amphenol connectors, HPS transformers, etc. 

Electrical Vehicle fuse manufacturer

Time:2020-07-05   Author:ABPower   Browse:

Electrical Vehicle fuse manufacturer


Electric Vehicle or Hybrid Electric Vehicle, come to people’s life from Y2012, Fuse, one of most significant part in electric vehicle, keep people’s safe and make electric cars go faster and longer.


In fuse area, there are many manufacturers, from history, famous rate, professional level, the following 3 brands are the most well-known around the world.


In electric fuse voltage, there are several grades. Let’s take 500VDC fast acting fuses for example since this type of fuses used frequently in Electric vehicle battery management system.


1, Bussmann


Bussmann itself, with more than 106 years fuse design, test & manufacturing experience. Is the No.1 in fuse industry. Acquired by Eaton in 2012.Now Bussmann is one of team member in Eaton circuit protection group.

Bussmann is famous on the fast acting fuses.

Following is the Bussmann fuses for Electric Vehicle industry.


Available current ratings(amps):5-100amps

Fuse diameter: 10,20,25,30mm


Fuse Part #

Fuse description


Bussmann EV Fuse 30A 500VDC


Bussmann EV Fuse 50A 500VDC S20


Bussmann EV Fuse 400A 500VDC S30

Bussmann 500VDC EV fuse series.png


Bussmann 500VDC EV fuse both in fuse size and weight with good advantage,

Save space and weight effectively.

Bussmann EV fuse with typical industrial fuses.png

2, Mersen


Mersen, used called Farraz or Farraz Shawmut fuses. Farraz was found in 1885. With 125 years fuse manufacturing history till Year 2020. Farraz acquired by Mersen in 1982.Also a very good fuse brand with professional fuse experience.

Mersen is also mainly focus on the electrical power fuse and fast acting fuse.

Here we can find Mersen’s fuses for Electric Vehicle.

550VDC fuses:

Fuse Part #Fuse descriptionPicture
MEV55C Mersen MEV55C ferrule fuseMersen MEV55C EV fuse.png
MEV55C -SMersen MEV55C -S surface mount fuseMersen MEV55C-S EV fuse.png
MEV55C -PMersen MEV55C -P PCBoard mount fuseMersen MEV55C-P EV fuse.png

3, Littelfuse


Littelfuse, was found in 1927, It’s well known on the electronics fuses.

Littelfuse also develop market in fast acting fuses area during recently years.


Following are Littelfuse designed fuses which specially for EV and Hybrid EV industry.


Littelfuse 450VDC fast acting fuses with following PN’s:


Part NumberTerminationPackage Size
 0HEVxxx.ZXISOBolt Down (ISO)240
0HEVxxx.ZXBDBolt Down (Axial) 240
0HEVxxx.ZXPCBPCB Mount 240
0HEVxxx.ZXPCBLPCB Mount (Long) 240

Littelfuse low current HEV fuse.png 


Actually, the good quality fuses are not limited to these 3 brands, We will keep an eye on the EV fuse in industry, then keep on updating.





New industry Technology regarding to Bussmann fuse, ABB breakers, Amphenol connectors, HPS transformers, etc. 

TAG:  EV fuse Mersen Littelfuse