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Product Category

Bussmann current limiting fuses are with more than 100 years manufacturing history.

3.6KV current limiting fuse: 3.6CAV2, 3.6OEFMA100;

7.2KV current limiting fuse:7.2WKNHO200,7.2CAV10;

12KV current limiting fuse:12TDLEJ63,12TDLEJ40,12TDLEJ50;

24KV current limiting fuse:24TDMEJ16,24TDMEJ16;

Bussmann Cooper Xi'An fusegear RSG-1 1000V/100A-P fast acting fuse|ABPower

Bussmann Cooper Xi'An fusegear RSG-1 1000V/100A-P fast acting fuse|ABPower

Manufacturer:Cooper Xi'An fusegear

Description :Bussmann Cooper Xi'An fusegear RSG-1 1000V/100A-P fast acting fuse 1000V 100amp

Stock quantity(PCS) :0

Lead time ( Weeks ) :

Categories:fast acting fuse; semiconductor fuse; high voltage fuse;


  • Specification
  • Datasheet download

Bussmann Cooper Xi'An fusegear RSG-1 1000V/100A-P fast acting fuse for semiconductor protection.   All fast acting fuse you can ask ABPower_ A fast acting fuse world.

Fuse manufactrer:

Cooper Xian fusegear

fuse rating:

1000VAC, 100amp

Fuse Type:

Square body fuse, fast acting fuse,

Fuse cross reference:

Bussmann, 170M2681,

 Bussmann, 170M4830.

Fuse Chart:

Cooper xian fusegear_RSG-1.png

Normal working conditions

1. The upper limit of ambient air temperature shall not exceed +40 and the lower limit shall not be less than -5.

2. The elevation of the installation site shall not exceed 2000m.

3. It shall be installed in a medium without explosion risk, without gas sufficient to corrode metal and damage insulation and without conductive dust.

4. At the highest temperature +40, the humidity does not exceed 50%. At lower temperatures, higher relative humidity is allowed (such as 90% at +20).

5. The product can be installed vertically, horizontally or tilting, and there should be no significant vibration and impact in the workplace.

6. When the rated current of the product is greater than 1250A and is used for a long time at more than 70% of the rated current, it must be connected with water-cooled bus or forced air-cooled.

Bussmann current limiting fuses are with more than 100 years manufacturing history.

3.6KV current limiting fuse: 3.6CAV2, 3.6OEFMA100;

7.2KV current limiting fuse:7.2WKNHO200,7.2CAV10;

12KV current limiting fuse:12TDLEJ63,12TDLEJ40,12TDLEJ50;

24KV current limiting fuse:24TDMEJ16,24TDMEJ16;

TAG:  cooper xian fusegear; fast acting fuse; cooper

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