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Product Category

690VAC current limiting fuse: 100FE, 170M1322 etc;

1000VAC semiconductor fuse: 170M2682,170M3958 etc;

1000VDC PV fuse:PV-125ANH1, PV-15A10F etc;

1250VAC high speed fuse: 170M6339, 170M5138 etc;

1500VAC semiconductor fuse: 170M2083, 1500amp 1500VDC fuse; 170M6734,800amp 1500VAC fuse.

12~24KV transformer protection current limiting fuse: 12TDLEJ63, 24TDLEJ 63;

Motor ciuicuit protection fuse: 7.2CAV10;

Bussmann 12TDLEJ50 current limiting fuse for transformer protection|Abpower

Bussmann 12TDLEJ50 current limiting fuse for transformer protection|Abpower


Description :Bussmann 12TDLEJ50 current limiting fuse for transformer protection 12KV, 50amp

Stock quantity(PCS) :3

Lead time ( Weeks ) :

Categories:current limiting fuse; medium voltage fuse; time-delay fuse; ferrule fuse; transformer protection fuse;


  • Specification
  • Datasheet download

Bussmann 12TDLEJ50 DIN Dimensioned IEC Fuse for Transformer Protection, fuse rating:12KV,50amp; fuse type:DIN medium voltage fuse. Fuse cross reference: Cooper Xian fusegear, SDLDJ-12kV/50A.ABPower_A bussmann fuse world.    

Fuse Application:

Transformer Protection

fuse rating:


fuse type:

DIN medium voltage fuse. 

Fuse cross reference: 

Cooper Xian fusegear, SDLDJ-12kV/50A.

Fuse size:

12TDLEJ50  Busmsann transformer fuse size.png

Primary or Secondary transformer protection Selection Guide


In unsupervised locations, with primary over 1000V, the primary transformer fuse can be sized at a maximum of 300%. If the secondary is over 1000V, the secondary transformer protection fuses can be sized at a maximum of 250% for transformers with impedances not greater than 6% or 225% for the transformers with impedances not greater than 6% or 225% for transformers with impedances greater than 6% and not more than 10%.If the secondary is 1000V or below, the secondary transformer fuses can be sized at a maximum of 125%. Where these ratings do not correspond to a standard fuse size, the next higher standard size is permitted.



In supervised locations, the maximum ratings are as shown in the next diagram. These are the same maximum settings as the unsupervised locations except for secondary voltages of 1000V or less, where the secondary transformer fuses can be sized at maximum of 250%.


Bussmann FUSE .png

Primary Protection Only


In supervised locations, the primary transformer fuses can be sized at a maximum of 250%, or the next larger standard size if 250% does not correspond to a standard transformer fuse size.

690VAC current limiting fuse: 100FE, 170M1322 etc;

1000VAC semiconductor fuse: 170M2682,170M3958 etc;

1000VDC PV fuse:PV-125ANH1, PV-15A10F etc;

1250VAC high speed fuse: 170M6339, 170M5138 etc;

1500VAC semiconductor fuse: 170M2083, 1500amp 1500VDC fuse; 170M6734,800amp 1500VAC fuse.

12~24KV transformer protection current limiting fuse: 12TDLEJ63, 24TDLEJ 63;

Motor ciuicuit protection fuse: 7.2CAV10;

TAG:   bussmann medium voltage fuse; current limiting fuse;

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