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New industry Technology regarding to Bussmann fuse, ABB breakers, Amphenol connectors, HPS transformers, etc. 

How to become Rich?

Time:2021-09-10   Author:ABPower   Browse:

How to become Rich?


Heart home, is a heart salon hold in ABPower weekly.

This is a free heart salon, in this fast speed life, people are tired and in high pressure, easily to be blue, the bad emotion will effect  families, colleagues.... 

More seriously, some people may choose stop their life.

To avoid the sad thing happen, ABPower wish the worries are hearing and solved.

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We are happy to provide a relax environment, beautiful flowers, yummy refreshments. Importantly, invite some experienced psychological teachers and volunteers to lead boys and girls out from heart marsh.

Every Saturday, ABPower staffs and more people are getting together on this heart party, To pour out heart rubbish, make heart clean,  then go into a new life.

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This week, our topic is: How to become Rich?


It's kidding, Haha! This topic is not to tell us how to get more money, but how to make our heart rich!

Here are the brief summaries:

1, Willing to share with others what you earn: On Chinese traditional New Year Jan 1, when people go out, Adults will send red packet to every one. There is money and best wishes in the red packet.

It means the more we give out, we will gain more good luck in the coming year.

We donot encourage too much money-loved, but we should have the heart of sharing the best we have, without any purpose.


2, When you see some poor guys are begging in the street, give them some bread, some money if we know they are truly need.  

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3, Send love to people.  Reach out your hand when people need.


4, Spirit: Willing to loss.

In life, we may meet many defective staffs.

Other ones are getting more, we are loss. This is hard for normal persons, we may think like this way:

If we owe them, from loss this time, we will return to them, then we donot owe them anymore;

If we donot owe them, from this time, we will collect the good luck on them, this good luck will be saved in our luck bank to help us gain more happiness on life. We should have the thinking of looking longer time.



ABPower Heart home vision: 

Wisdom Sunshine come into our heart every day!




We are here to hear you!

New industry Technology regarding to Bussmann fuse, ABB breakers, Amphenol connectors, HPS transformers, etc.